Sustainable - Local - Handcrafted - Unique Jewellery

What is Organizer's Choice Award?

All 2020 competition pieces received were amazing examples of reuse of pre-owned items. The organizing team was particularly impressed with the creations using previously non-jewellery materials.

Six contestants used wooden pegs, bone from a meal, plastic folders, cushion covers, toothpaste, shampoo and toilet cleaner containers as well as coins as their main focus point for their designs:

Pre-loved to Treasure jewellery materials

And this is what they created:
Pre-Loved to Treasure new jewellery creations from upcycled materials

The organizing team selected the Exotic Flower as the winner - the creation includes three unexpected source materials and end result is a beautiful, creative and well crafted flower to wear.

Congratulations Robert!
Organizers Choice Award Exotic Flower by Robert Win